07. June 2015 · Write a comment · Categories: book · Tags: ,

Frelseren, 2005

translated by Don Bartlett

jh: vránavrána

Vintage Digital, 2009

see also Jo Nesbø: NemesisSearch Jo Nesbø: Lovci Hlav

He locked himself in one of the cubicles, waited for a minute without succumbing to the temptation of checking the gun was loaded. He had learned that from Bobo. If you got used to the luxury of double-checking everything, you would lose your sharpness.

‘We’re trying to cooperate here, Hole, but this demand is not up for discussion. The alternative is to talk to us through our solicitor. Have you understood?’ Harry waited for the anger to rise. And when it still didn’t come, he was no longer in any doubt: he was indeed getting old.

Harry closed his eyes, held her tight and felt the warmth emanating from the small, feline body. It was the second time in less than a day that he had stood like this with his arms around her. And he didn’t want to let go. Because he knew it would be the last time.

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